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Thursday, April 21, 2011

A to the A

Awkward and Awesome

Awkward is the knee brace i have to wear
new nickname "bionic women"
Awkward being cranky in the morning and unfortunately coworkers
seeing this
Awkward never knowing where i park my car
then smirking at my car when i find it
as if its the one moving on me
Awkward getting really excited to pull up to my car
when i left it in a parking lot all by itself
and saying out loud 
"OMG it looks like my car is smiling"
i promise im not 5
Awkward when people invite you along with your plans
and you really just have more fun hanging out
with yourself


Awesome it is thursday and i don't have work on friday or monday
 Awesome that i set up a Gofundme website 
and got enough people to donate in one week 
for me to be reach my goal
Awesome i passed a room inspection 
without even cleaning 
Awesome is how happy Passion Fruit Teas make me 
Awesome i just layed on my bed to take a nap
and just woke up
AHH its 1030!
Awesome is the weekend i am about to have:
being lazy at the beach
as you can tell 
laying low is my mission


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