Awkward and Awesome
Awkward at work i sat in grease... i then had to scrub my pants to get it off
the grease laughed at me and obviously did not come off
Awkward today i have 24 hours duty
around 3 am i am going to be doing that embarrassing head bob thing
when you are dozing off and wake up due to your head falling ha ha
Awkward some of my good friends... hulu/netflix/bravo tv/ mtv tv
Awkward i sent my boyfriend a package
and accidentally put in an aerosol can
its probably going to blow up now... : /
Awesome = thursday latelies on bex's style blog
She introduced me to The Civil Wars
= Great duo
Awesome the nummy smoothies i have been making lately.
(Romaine lettuce + bananas + strawberries + lil bit o chocolate )
Awesome is my super cool new word.
((if this word already exist, lets pretend i made it up))
Friend + Sister = Friendster
you know for those super special friends
(I have two that i will be introducing soon)
Awesome i am taking the final of class i just started two days ago.
thats what i call fast track
(ha really the class is computer applications...
who doesn't know how to change font in word ,
i shouldn't be paying 638 dollars for this)
Happy Thursday!
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