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Saturday, March 5, 2011

Daily Lessons#5- Love Friends

So you would think that a big thunderstorm, lightening and crazy rain would stop a range from happening. It does not. I am sure this comforts most non-military personal to know that we do not ever stop working. But shooting in the rain and rolling in mud puddles was not as great as it may seem. It did produce this amazing picture :)

Sad Panda

 I have been rather irritated with my choice of day job lately. I have been grumpy, sassy and amazingly sarcastic. Fortunately i cant put in my two weeks notice so i have to get through it. 


I love my friends for letting me call and cry and vent for how ever long it takes.
I love my friends for letting me sent vent texts whenever.
I love my friends for telling me what i need to hear.
I love my friends for telling me i am awesome and blowing up my ego.
I love their advice when i do not know what to do.
I love how much i miss them and they miss me.

And for my friends here... thanks for putting up with me and helping me get through. Hopefully i provide comedic relief to you all :)

My saturday in pictures:
Chinese is all we could think about at the range
Melissa: My new ferret friend

Black Swan was one crazy, intense, beautiful movie. Probably just because i love Natalie Portman ever since Garden State :)

So LOVE friends and hang out with them and then tell them you LOVE them!

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