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Friday, June 3, 2011

Lets go halfsies

In honor of June
i thought maybe i can do half year resolution
I dont even think i did a New Years resolution
because i feel like its over rated
but halfsies
its the thing!

So here is my list
its short but thats to hoping i will actually DO everything on it

1) Pay off all debt
(except car because i wont even make that much to pay it off)

is a great website 
i stumbled across 

So i read many of his articles and what his fellow contributors had to say
(i recommend the get out of debt series)
and i really loved the advice and the christian aspect
You dont often think about money in terms of God besides tithing

So the goal is the write out all my debt 
pick the smallest one and completely pay it off next pay check
and keep doing that

2) Save money
So at the same time i want to pay off all of this debt
i really want to save money
My goal is to have $750 saved by the new year
which is really only a little more then a hundred a month
and totally feasible

3) Start Etsy shop
I have this project half way done :)

So those are my three
Do you have any halfsies?

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