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Monday, June 27, 2011

I cant believe...

I used to think that tucking in shirts was SO lame and so 80 year old gramdma
now i do it
I used to think center parts were just not me
now i do it
I used to think belts were awkward and chunky
now i wear them

All three of these things collided into a casual nautical outfit
that was perfect for a sunday picnic
starbucks run
and a bbq/game night with friends

Happy Monday!


  1. Love your outfit! prefect to put on and get out :)

  2. omg baby, your so cute in this. i sooo mis your sense of style, and being the guy next to you in public when were out and about. xoxo bubbi :)

  3. Isn't it funny how we seem to come around to certain fashions? At least you picked three good ones to come around to!


spill it!

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